Published On:Monday 13 May 2013
Posted by Diggy Chacha

Last man found who still believes that there is some logic left in Digvijay Singh

The India Satire found a last man in the world who still believes that behavior of Congress leader and General Secretary Digvijay Singh is reasonable and logical. Digvijay Singh, popularly known as Diggy Chacha in the political parlance stated yesterday that Supreme Court should give judgments and not observations. The statement increased doubts of unavailability rational brain and logical sense among people across the world. After an extensive search through night, finally India Satire got success in finding only one person who still believes that some logic has still left in Diggy.

"Yes some logic must be there in his brain. Unavailability of rational mind is totally impossible thing. As per various scriptures, God has sent us with some logic and that logic generally flows from our action, reaction, statements and any kind of bullshit behavior. Same way I believe that Diggy's statements make sense," said Kerala based JP Thomas who studied all the scriptures in the world, including religious books of Kongo, Uganda and Ethiopia.

While avoiding exact reason why he believes Digvijay Singh is still making sensible statements, Thomas said "I have observations about Diggy and that is my research work. I really can't disclose the findings but I want you also believe that. Even a donkey or an ass behaves logical. It has rational idea and thought process that my research work says. So it is not really impossible that one step up creature like Digvijay Singh doesn't have logical brain. I believe every creature including Amoeba (shapeless creature) has rational behavior and logical sense."

20:37. Filed under , , .

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