Published On:Monday 22 April 2013
Posted by Diggy Chacha

North Korea strikes nuclear missiles on its own cities

Kim Jong-un in press conference
North Korea blasted all its major cities to test the effectiveness of its missiles. The cities include capital city Pyongyang and other major cities such as Anju, Chongjin, Chongju and Hamhung. Missiles loaded with nuclear bombs destroyed a million of population in few seconds.
"We wanted to test the effectiveness of our missiles. We were tired of beta testing and eager to check how much they really could destroy the world. Now all these weapons are ready to launch on South Korea, Japan and USA," said North Korea Supreme Leader Kim Jong-un in a packed press conference.
He said "All the blasts are successful and killed a million of people easily. This attack was just a pinch of salt and we can make bigger attacks more easily. If the world wants to see the effectiveness of bigger attack, we can launch it again on our cities."
Kim Jong-un confirmed that he can now threaten developed world with more thrust and vigor.

05:52. Filed under , , , .

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