Published On:Monday 8 April 2013
Posted by Diggy Chacha

Media searching for more cruel and devilish photo of Narendra Modi

Both News print and television media is busy in searching more cruel and highly vampirish photo of Narendra Modi to regain the confidence of majority Indians, according to the sources.

"Majority of Indians represented by Congress men believe that Narendra Modi is Maut ka Saudagar and Yamraj still he is getting so much popularity. Media is also concerned over rising popularity of Modi," said the source.

According to estimates presented by Congress Party President in its annual conference, Congress Party represents 98% of Indians while rest 2% is communal and goes with BJP. Still ever growing popularity of Modi amazes them.

"Indian memory is very short and they forgot that we recently described Modi as Yamraaj and just few years back as Maut ka Saudagar," said Congress Spokesperson and part time minister Manish Tewari.

According to sources, most of the media including news print and TV channels are searching for some brutal picture of Narendra Modi to let people know that this man is like vampire.

"I am concern about Indian people and as a journalist who knows the fact that this guy was a real demon, I am not able to do anything," said Rajdeep Sardesai, Editor in Chief of CNN IBN.

He said "Even I came to know that all journos are searching for the real face of Modi in which he looks like a blood eating vampire."

Only one news paper was succeeded in finding a photo which shows Modi in atrocious mood. The photo on Economic Times news paper shows that a bunch of bees are finding honey from his white beard and Modi was laughing (as shown in the article).

"Yes that's true we are also searching for such kind of photo so that we will represent his actual face in front of the world in our Breaking News program," said Rajat Sharma of India TV.

02:11. Filed under , , , , .

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