Published On:Wednesday 3 October 2012
Posted by Diggy Chacha

On the occasion of Gandhi Jayanti, many Indians seen at Barber Shop


The occasion helped Indians to postpone their shaving and cutting hair by 2 days

Many Indians visited Barber shop on an important day of Gandhi Jayanti for cutting their rising hair and shaving clean by good expert barber.

Inputs were provided by Indian Barber's Association, which reported a sharp surge in the sales by almost 50%, which was even more than Sunday sales.

Amjad Khan, a full time Barber from Andheri said "Gandhi Jayanti was a pre-decided occasion for most of the job goers in Mumbai who thought of cutting their hair and shaving."

Khan confirmed that the overall sharp rise in the number of customers just collapsed entire system, as most of the barbers didn't really expect that much crowd. Few also reported Police complaint to stop the ruckus.

He said "In few shops there were long cue and many were fighting for their legitimate number. Most of the customers had to wait for 4-5 hours to clean their shave. We were not ready for such a wonderful crowd pullout."

However, the situation raised serious debate among the experts. Few experts said that rising laziness and attitude towards postponing the urgent work is rising in Indians which led to collapse of barber system in India.

Sunil Sharma a social activist from Delhi said "People are becoming lazier. While it was Sunday when people used to go to barber's shop now they used Gandhi Jayanti for cutting their long hair and clean shaves. It's so ridiculous."

However, Pankaj Tiwari a customer from Noida said "It was a bit emotional thinking behind the move. I am not sure why everybody decided to choose this 'Quite unusual' day for collective gathering at barber shop."

04:49. Filed under , .

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