Published On:Monday 16 July 2012
Posted by Diggy Chacha

Ladies across world raised questions to God why all husbands are idiots

Campaign led by Michelle Obama and her husband's arch rival's wife Ann Romney
Ladies across the world pleaded God to know why their husbands are so irritating and idiots. The campaign was led by US President Barack Obama's wife Michelle Obama and US President's candidate Ann Romney along with White House bellweather Hillary Clinton.
"We are here to demand God to make our husbands clever, less irritating and useful for us," said Michelle Obama addressing a crowd of 45500 women came across the world.
She said "I was the one who knew that Obama was highly idiot since married with him. Therefore I first wanted to say sorry to US people for hiding the truth from them. Second now I want to make all of us pray to God that our husbands would be a useful thing for us."
All of women prayed collectively and asked God to give their husbands some bit of intellect. The crowd included some of the diplomats from India like Manmohan Singh's wife Gursharan Kaur and Pranab Mukherjee's wife Surva Mukherjee. BJP President Nitin Gadkari's wife Kanchan Gadkari was also present.
"Sisters we have gathered over here while forgetting all the rivalry among us created by our husbands to collectively ask the God to make them sensual.... ah errrr sorry... sensible," said Hillary Clinton helping serious crowd to laugh for a while.
She said "I wasn't aware of my hubby was idiot and damn stupid until Monica Lewenski directly told me. She told me that my husband can't remove hooks properly. How idiot he is!"
"But since then I always compared him with other leaders of world like Putin," she said.
Mitt Romney's wife Ann Romney said "When Michelle came to me with the idea I was not very willing to let media find that my husband was idiot. But she made me aware that while both the us show in public that our husbands are smartest in the world, privately we recognise them most idiots and losers."
She said "Mitt is highly irritating and shameless in private who only pretends that he sensibly understood the topics on the economy and jobs. I strongly believe in God and I think that he listens to collective prayers and we hope at least in next 5 years these people will become some bit of intelligent."

04:45. Filed under , .

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