Published On:Thursday 11 October 2012
Posted by Diggy Chacha

Manmohan Singh claims scams are good for economy

India's Prime Minister Manmohan Singh thrashed Indian people for mindless negativity about graft and scams and asked them to show some sensibility as corruption is an indicator of healthy economy.

"There is no need to cry everyday on the corruption issue. This mindless negativity only damages the image of nation," said Manmohan Singh, addressing the 19th Conference of the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) and State Anti-Corruption Bureaux in New Delhi.
He firmly said "Rather than making hue and cry we should thanks to all those scamsters who kept us in the world map as a big country where the foreign companies can dig more and more money. Our government's firm stand towards working on more and more such scams, promoting various corrupt politicians and officials would only attract more and more foreign money."
"This mindless atmosphere of negativity and pessimism that is sought to be created over the issue of corruption can do us no good. Better keep your mouth shut and allow us to make some more money so that if foreign companies come to India they would have to bring more money," he said.
Manmohan Singh also stressed that the scams and bribes are offered in a healthy economy where two hands easily changes money.
"It will not happen in Mogombo, Udove and Congo. It can happen in the fast growing countries like India. We have to promote it more and more, otherwise what message we are going to send to foreign direct investors that we are available for free and they will get entry in India without paying a shitty penny to us who have authority and power. Corruption is a big indicator that shows, we have power and without paying us we can't allow to make a business here. Same way when our citizen offers some bribe or some idiot ex-minister claims certain amount from businessmen by twisting some norms unusually that is also a sign of prosperity. Listen to me carefully, we have money therefore we have to get money," said Manmohan Singh powerfully, strongly patting on the bench.

02:45. Filed under , .

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