Published On:Tuesday 7 August 2012
Posted by Diggy Chacha

Not aware of whom he was, a Surat-based chaiwala charged 5 rupees to Keshubhai Patel

Surat: Gujarat
Congress said it would now rethink its own strategy
Surat-based chaiwala charged Keshubhai Patel 5 rupees for a cup of tea, as chaiwala was not aware of who Keshubhai Patel was. The shocking development created ripples among the Congress Party leaders who were expecting some magic from Keshubhai in the upcoming Gujarat Elections.

"Aitley Keshobhai's magic faded," said senior leader of Congress Party Shankarsingh Waghela, who is trying to deliver some of the promises which even Narendra Modi affraid of giving.
He said "We thought Keshobhai was enough che for doing all the hazaamat of disgracing Narendra Modi, but now we are seriously concerned about our strategy. If a paltry chaiwala doesn't recognise him then how other Gujaratis would know him? It's disgraceful and he just thrashed all our hopes."
However, Keshubhai was optimistic and said "It is a start of campaign for elections and will be ended after the elections. It will start again after 5 years and then go on till the demon will get lost of Gujarat."
Chaiwala, Ramulal Sodawala said "I was not aware who was he when I asked 5 rupees, a person accompanying with him told me that don't I know him. He was next chief minister of Gujarat and I should be shameful of asking 5 rupees from him. Who will pay me my money?"
A political survey conducted by famous celebrity surveyor Yogendra Yadav suggested that Keshubhai Patel was known to voters when he was 68 years old, age that is known as young age for any kind of politician and not now.
"Keshubhai was famous in his early teenage (40-60 years) and became more popular when he chose to become 65 years old, but now he is not recognised by his family itself," said Political Analyst Yogendra Yadav.
Yogendra Yadav also consulted with Patel's neighbours who were confused why this old man is roaring for. However, people in the native place of Keshubhai said that they heard this name in 1990s when they thought he was a kind of savior for their businesses.
Sitaram Patel, Keshubhai's neighbor that time said "Aitley maate anne Keshubhai's pant was so loose that it used to fell down whenever he raised his hands talking about the development of Gujarat. Anne he was used to drink pineapple juice with me but now for long time I haven't heard his name."
Few Gujaratis are yet to know what was he exactly doing during this period.
"Many asked me who was Keshubhai and what was he doing during the last 10 years," said Yogendra Yadav.
He said "Few also told me that it was Keshuchand Aatmaram Patel who was cleaning the canals that Modi laid for Narmada river."
Yogendra Yadav said "Keshubhai has to become fast and very fast popular to get recognised and to really try to win at least his own seat in Gujarat. He can try for instant popularity by using some mean mesures such as fast unto death for few days, etc."

03:09. Filed under , , .

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