Published On:Sunday 5 August 2012
Posted by Diggy Chacha

Better avoiding any more issues, International Olympics Committee granted direct access to US and British boxers in Olympics boxing finals

Vikas Krishnan got out of the ring because he hit heard to US boxer

Step will avoid controversy and keep the world integration and peace
Rising controversies such as favoring towards US and British boxers, finally International Olympics Committee came into picture and decided to grant direct access to finals to US and British boxers. The committee released an official circular over the Manoj Kumar and Vikas Krishnan issues.

"The third-world countries like India are creating unnecessary ruckus showing their backward nature and denying the dominant leadership of US and Britain in the boxing," said Count Jacques Rogge, President of International Olympics Committee.
He said "Guys why don't you understand the superiority that these boxers achieved, they don't need to clean their asses, those cleaned automatically and they get food directly into their mouth from trees. They drink their sweat and also keep jerking their jerseys whenever they win. Do you do that? Do you have such immense capabilities in you? This is the country which has produced Mohammed Ali, you have the country which is still producing notorious boxers, whose in this advanced world still clean own asses, ridiculous."
Rogge confirmed his outrage against Indian boxers who should keep their voices low against the top US boxers who generally wear Adidas boxer shorts.
He said "You are wasting our time. Look at China the team which is now performing great, competing at international levels and winning medals, is not playing boxing. That country also recognized the importance US boxers. Now, as India raised its voice we plan to give access to direct finals to US and British boxers and also ask juries to give 1 point to the US and British team for each of the bout that opposition player played on the faces of these players."

04:11. Filed under .

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