Published On:Tuesday 29 May 2012
Posted by Diggy Chacha

Microsoft Outlook will ask readers to give read receipt after the reader completes reading entire email

Microsoft plans to shift service from lower IQ levels to higher ones
Finally, Microsoft found the solution for its most idiotic service of 'Read Receipt' in MS Outlook, a famous Email Programme of the company.

While there is a serious bug which is carrying over last many years that the Microsoft's Outlook programme asks reader a 'Read Receipt' before even he opens the email fully and read the message.
"It looks ridiculous. What the hell Microsoft thinks about itself? Such an idiotic programme that asks receipt before even the message was read. It shows low intellectual quotient of Microsoft engineers," said Stephen Jones, a regular user of Microsoft Outlook programme.
Systems Analyst from Microsoft, Marie Punta said "Yea actually that problem was recently observed by Mr. Bill Gates, owner of Microsoft who received some urgent email from US President Barack Obama, yet before opening of the message fully, forget reading the message a pop up came asking 'Read Receipt', which in advertently Mr. Gates had to click to read the entire message."
Punta continued "Mr. Gates was so much irritated that he told all of us to do innovation and start working on MS Office 15 which will be launched with a new version of MS Outlook with an intelligent system that will identify the eyeballs staring at the message and based on the collected data it will send the read receipt to the sender of the mail.

04:27. Filed under .

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