Published On:Friday 20 April 2012
Posted by Diggy Chacha

That was me but video was not full picture - Abhishek Manu Singhvi


Scratching genital warts can't be against moral

Clearing all the air of weather that was Abhishek Manu or not, Abhishek Manu Singhvi issued a statement that it was he but the video doesn't show the full picture.

Abhishek Manu Singhvi issued statement, after the video was circulated across all the social networking sites and every netizens were asking only one question, are their eyes sucked or it was Singhvi who fu*ked?

Singhvi said "Actually, it was me only but a bit clarification that I want to make is I can't achieve full monty despite of trying so much so there is no way that I was doing anything against moral."

He confirmed that he has gupt rog (sexually transmitted diseases) and therefore can't get involved in sexual activities. He also told India Satire correspondent that his genital warts require special treatment of scratching after every 5 minutes which he was taking from his colleague.

"There is nothing wrong in it or against morals of the society, so why so hue and cry," said Singhvi. He said that he requested his colleague just to scratch for sometime so that he can move to high command meeting where he could have possibly hide about his special kind of disease.

"In spite of a long treatment of more than 12 minutes I couldn't control and needed to scratch over that place which came into eyes of many Congressmen and therefore out of disgusting feeling they removed me from the spokesperson post and there is no other reason. Party high command trusts my loyalty and high moral values," said Singhvi.

Kapil Sibal who was also present that press conference thrashed netizens by saying those idiots always irritate Congress party workers.

"WTF! You guys lost minimum gentle and humbleness. Don't you see Abhishek looks so innocent. I know this guy since his birth. He has issues in his genitals since his child hood. Even he is half way rider and can't achieve full monty. So you fu*king guys you id*ots and bas*ards how can you say that Singhvi has done all these things," said Sibal Uncle.

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