Published On:Friday 23 March 2012
Posted by Diggy Chacha

Book Review: India's struggle in innovation - From Zero to Zero Loss Theory (Arya Bhatt to Pt. Kapil Sibal)


A tragedy that transpired into revolution - Kapil Sibal


Book Review: India's struggle in innovation - From Zero to Zero Loss Theory

From Arya Bhatt to Pt. Kapil Sibal

Author - Kapil Sibal


Presentation ceremony
In an action-packed presentation ceremony, Pandit Kapil Sibal launched his book India's struggle in innovation - From Zero to Zero Loss Theory, in front of Madamji, Rahul Baba, Manmohan Singh and many more prominent personalities.

India, a golden bird with strong roots of culture and tradition and one of the oldest creative societies in the world is now struggling to get its rhythm back. Author Pt. Kapil Sibal, a known scientist and innovative mind explores the reasons for this struggle. He answers the question why India couldn't give anything to the world after zero and till zero loss theory. He tries to answer why there is the gap between innovation of zero and zero loss theory to the world. Finally, he arrives at the answer that between zero and zero loss theory there was a big zero in the brains of Indians which he tried fill up by introducing such marvelous concepts.

Inside book he also tells a shocking truth that he was Aryabhata in previous birth and he had to take a birth again to fill the gap for betterment of Indian society.

This is a long awaited book in India which throws the light on the 2G scam based zero loss theory. Author Kapil Sibal doesn't disappoint the readers and gives all the answers to their questions.


This book is divided into 4 chapters with a preface. Preface is important to read.


Readers should read preface of the book against their universal perception of avoiding it for the reason of boredom. The preface throws light on different contributions of Pt. Kapil Sibal to the world and particularly to India. As everybody is aware, Sibal innovated a new theory which converted Rs1.76lakh crore of loss to exchequer into zero loss, he is also known for his contribution of supplying 'no' touch screen tablet $35 for poor Indians. He was the only guy who challenged American, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) for the innovation of $100 computer and produced $35 tablet to Indians, an almost free creation. Though, many people recorded cases of finger swollen by hard to press touch screen, his innovation quotient doesn't take backside.

Panditjee has 220 IQ which is proven by American super computer, Cray XK6. He also recorded many wins and zero losses in playing chess against world's all super computers.

Chapter I - India's struggle in innovation - From Zero to Zero Loss Theory

Pandit Sibal takes you to the ride of old Indian era where Aryabhata was living in a hut and fighting with his wife over whether he should clean the clothes or she. However, the fight took a historic turn when Aryabhata told his wife that there would be zero loss if she cleans the house and a big loss if he cleans it up. That way the zero was innovated.

Sibal revealed that he was himself Aryabhata and that's why he remembers that event and now he was reincarnated, reposted and reinstated into Kapil Sibal to fill the wide gap of innovation in the thirsty India.
In this chapter, Kapil also took us through how he came to know that actually the loss was zero. Sibal said "I told TRAI scientists to take a base figure as 'zero', as everything in the world becomes zero and make entire calculations. They give me zero figure."

However, Sibal also pointed out that besides these two theories, India lacks innovation. Nothing has been innovated or invented and gives final remark that he feels very sad for looking at India's situation. He also thrashed over the nature of Indian society which doesn't embrace creative ideas like internet censorship and cheap tablet PCs.

Chapter II - Why there is a gap and why will it remain?

Sibal doesn't stop in explaining the root of his theories in his previous birth and existing birth but also gives genuine reasons why India lacked innovation and will remain forever. He said after innovating zero, India transpired into zero brain and therefore no innovation took place while today's India have full of id*io*tic comments writer on Facebook, Twitter and Google who have no job but to f*ck whatever Indian politicians do and therefore wasting all their time into fuc*ing our brains will ensure that India will have no innovation.

Chapter III - Solutions suggested by Pandit Kapil Sibal

In his book, he said it was totally rubbish to expect them to innovate something. He said that he tried to launch a totally new idea of internet censorship which these anti-social elements totally trashed.

Kapil Sibal said in his book "I don't expect these kind of idi*ts to choose path of humbleness, politeness and soft-spoken attitude like me. These arrogant bug*ers require to put on platform and hit their a$$es with steel rod. Deep m*rons s*ale."

Chapter IV - Anatomy of Injustice

Pandit Kapil Sibal keeps his cool while writing the book. However, reader can go in depth of Sibal's mind which breathes with the injustice that he faced from the Indian society. This chapter entirely draws the attention of the reader towards the injustice with Kapil Sibal.

Language quality

The language is as superiorly funny. Sibal himself censored the book and wherever there is some abusive (sorry dis-abusive word) he himself gave a star mark. However, a lot of stars make this book reading complicated.


Interestingly, boring Sibal hardly gets boring in this book. He takes us to a journey from his last birth (he provides photograph of a painting) as Aryabhata and also explains how the gap of innovation in Indian society hurts. He also make tragic remarks on the refusal to accept his innovations which include zero loss theory (size zero for heroines also came in his tenure), $35 tablet and internet censorship.

About Author

Kapil Sibal is honoured as a Pandit by Indian Fools Association for his immense contribution through innovative theories and ideas to the Indian society.
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2 comments for "Book Review: India's struggle in innovation - From Zero to Zero Loss Theory (Arya Bhatt to Pt. Kapil Sibal)"

  1. Good one- Kapi Sibal in the Aryabhatta get up is great.

  2. Thanks Hari, Your comments inspire me to do better :)

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