Published On:Thursday 19 January 2012
Posted by Diggy Chacha

Apple announces plans to launch iPen after the success of iBooks, student and parent lobbies welcomed the move

iPen will reduce 3-tier headache of students to recall, think and write 

Taking the education world to new heights, Apple Inc unveiled its plans to launch digital pen service called iPen on Thursday when it launched iBooks 2. The initiative aims at revitalizing the world education market which is battered by a lot of laborious work like memorizing, thinking and writing.

"This launch complements the launch of our great initiative iBooks, which was aiming to revitalize the US education market and quicken the adoption of its market-leading iPad. Many students through their different lobbies complained that the iBooks initiative is not much of the use, as it does not provide facilities such as memorize, think and write an answer paper. Therefore, we planned to launch iPen which will have 100 GB memory, 4GB RAM and best of processors to tackle all the problems of the students," said Marketing chief of Apple Inc. Phil Schiller.

"The iPen will have a 4G facility, so that students can try to get all the answers by accessing different websites whenever those answers are not available in the memory of the pen. Students will just have to chew the iPen in their mouth, as they do with normal pen/pencil and tell the instructions. iPen will recognize their voice and will put the question in the best search engines and will provide answer in few seconds. Entire process will take hardly 15-30 seconds," Schiller continued.

But how will iPen understand what exactly will be the answer for any question? Schiller had the answer. He said "iPen is smart enough to recognize the text. Just rewrite the question on the rough paper and after that write the answer on the answer paper. It is a very simple process."

"This is a great revolution," said Pete Thomas, a proud father of his son who doesn't like nasty things like mugging up and writing the answer papers. "I believe problems for many parents will be solved and they would not need to force their children to mug up the books," he said.

"The process will also be very time saving. A 2-3 hour paper can be completed in hardly 30 minutes, so that kids can hang around for some more interesting stuff like playing on their iPads or iPhones. We are also venturing with Sony which will market its Playstation to the students benefited from iPen," said Jonathan Ive, Senior Vice President and Head Industrial Design, Apple.

Students lobby welcomed this innovation of Apple. Charles Scott, President of School Students Association of Philadelphia said "This will reduce a student's headache to memorize boring contents of the text books. Earlier, we all children thought that Apple's iBooks will be sufficient for us to answer. But while actual painstaking job like writing and recalling doesn't get resolved. But the innovation of iPen will help us to solve those issues."
However, teacher lobby opposed straight away to the innovation and asked US government to build strong measures to stop this nonsense.

"This is totally condemnable innovation. If students don't read and memorize and will write with that fucking pen, entire system would collapse. How would we know that he understood something or not? How would he/his parents come to know whether he learnt or not?" asked young teacher Stephy Jones.

However, Apple had the answer. Jonathan Ive said "We plan to launch iHeads and iGogs to resolve those issues as well. iHeads will be an answering machine which will be attached to student's ears and head, a student can listen and understand the entire book. iGogs will be digital specs which will provide real time classroom to the eyes of students. We also plan to launch iGogs for adults to watch movies and video clips."

He further added "We would require many teachers for our iGogs and iHeads initiatives and therefore after Stephy Jones came to us with her protest letter we offered her a job which she willingly accepted."

21:30. Filed under .

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