Published On:Thursday 14 July 2011
Posted by Diggy Chacha

“I am not going to die,” challenges Kasab; celebrated birthday with more than 20 lives

For long Mumbai is treating India’s most honorable guest, Mr. Azmal Kasab. July 13 was his birthday. The guy due to his proud work on 26/11 terror attack had become jewel for Pakistani ISI and various Terrorist organizations. All these people thought to celebrate his birthday and gave the contract to Indian Mujahidin. The day became black Wednesday for Mumbaikars and 3 places saw bomb blasts. Through these blasts terrorists wished Kasab that he can long live in Indian Jail with no worries of his life and will not be hanged because of these Indian politicians. They also openly challenged India’s politicians, Police Network and Intelligence Agencies that they can celebrate their terrorists birthdays any which ways they want do whatever you can do.

However, Mumbaikar is facing those same questions which are occurring over last 3 decades. Shall we remain like this? How much more time are we going to be treated same way by terrorists? When shall we see our lives are secure? Nobody has the answer. Unfortunately, nobody has the answer.   

July 14, Mumbai with its undying spirit (nowadays it became an abusive word for Mumbaikars) started its life again. Post bomb-blast incident, the things happened similar ways as predicted. All the politicians visited the affected spots, gave photos that they are seriously watching the places (however, hardly anything they could have understood), took press conferences, told all people to be patient (meaning don’t come to our houses to beat using your chappals) and media and bollywood people congrates Mumbaikar for its “undying spirit”.  “Undying spirit” a catchy word which now every Mumbaikar started feeling as an abusive word. Why should he show undying spirit, just because his life is safe and somebody else who is not his relative is died? Or just because he has to leave in the morning and for work for earnings some bucks which are not more than the cost of his life though he can’t skip because of ever increasing food prices.

What is happening in Mumbai? Few days back Diggy Chacha said how unfortunate were Suresh Kalmadi and Ashok Chavan were as they captured through draconian RTI Act? Does he mean that Mumbaikars or for that matter any Indian can’t ask any question to government (no blame game both state and central government are culprits), Police or India’s strong intelligence services? Yea he can’t ask because recently Kapil Uncle said that asking any question will create a horizontal government. Are we unfortunate Indians just because of these politicians?

Some predictions post this event as what will happen in India’s ridiculous (not funny at all) politics.

Ruling Party - Central

P.M. Mr. Manmohan Singh will say don’t taste our patience.

Mr. P. Chidambaram will say we shall go to roots and find out who were the culprits and will give him proper punishment (what about Afzal Guru and Kasab, they are enjoying their lives in Jail).

Madamji Soniaji will say she condemns terrorism in India (but what can I do? UP’s elections are near term)

Our favorite and over intelligent Diggy Chacha will say Still he believes Saffron terrorism is much worst (this guy doesn’t know when there is terrorism the common man face death). This is my personal view. I will take a conference post UP election to give the proper official view.

Kapil Uncle will say what terrorism they are ok till they don’t create Lokpal. Lokpal will be much more terrifying than terrorism itself.

Mr. Krishna will say we shall initiate peace talks with Pakistan and assure them that terrorism will be stopped in India (as India itself spreads terrorism).

Spokesperson will say all the blame is on Mumbai Police IB, RAW already informed them and gave red alert. (Red Alert is always there and blame game also)

Ruling Party - State

CM Prithviraj Chavan we will not spare anybody (what about Kasab). I asked Mumbai Police to aggressively find out the culprits. (Fortunately, there is no strong leader otherwise Madamji might have asked resignation from me. I will still retain my post as CM, hurray!)

R.R. Patil will keep a mum besides some formal comments. (these terrorists have some kind of problem with me. Why do they always do all these things in my term? I was enjoying a cup of tea and have to reach over here. Now I can’t say that this was a small event otherwise again I will lose this lucrative post.)

Opposition Party

BJP will say Congress is failed in administration and stopping terrorism (as there was no terror attack in BJP’s term).

Other opposition parties give us a chance these Congress and BJP are not able to give proper security.

15:08. Filed under .

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